Monday, November 28, 2011

Going to be a Grandma!

I found out a couple of weeks ago, that my youngest daughter is going to have a baby....What a mind altering event for her and for me! She's my baby, and now my baby is going to have a baby of her own....I am really thinking back to being pregnant, and all sorts of memories are popping into my head...remembering the first stir of life, remembering the not so good memories of severe back aches, evening sickness, and all that crying--her and me! I remember the ride to the hospital, laying in the back seat of the car with labor pains and her dad giving me street information about our location on the way to the hospital. I was crazy pregnancy mad because he was telling me street name by street name and I just wanted to get to the hospital! (I waited too long to go to the hospital for her. We almost had her in the back seat of the car! ) 

But I'm also remembering the sweet smiles, the baby laughs, the joys of being a mother and I'm so excited for her! It's under difficult circumstances for her, she's going to online school full time, she's stuck at home in a city far away with very few friends for support. I'm going to do the best I can to help her along the way..can't do it financially or physically be there until the time of delivery, but I am going to send her little care packages each month of her pregnancy to cheer her spirits and ease her loneliness....I'll put in little things that she is going to need for the baby.....Here's what I'm working on now...little baby booties made from sock yarn...they aren't finished yet, but I love the way the sock yarn works up. I found the free pattern on the internet. These are from the pattern by Franky's Knitted Stuff. These are seamed along the bottom and up the back, but I don't think that is a problem on how they will feel on a baby's little feet.  I think these could be for a boy or a girl, but not sure how the yarn "speaks" to different people. Let me know if you think these booties say "boy" or "girl", would you? Thanks! We won't know until January. I think I might try Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise sweater to match the booties!

So, it looks like Grandma Jeannie is going to be knitting up a storm of baby things along with socks and other gifts for Christmas.....It is fun to think about baby things and what she might need!

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