Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

I missed a week on the craft blog! The weekend went by so fast, then pretty soon it was Wednesday into this week, and then I decided, oh, what the heck! Might as well wait till this coming weekend to post.

I just found out that there's going to be a craft sale at the rally in Ohio that we are going to at the end of the month. Just one afternoon, but that's motivation to get some things finished up--more dishcloths, and maybe some sewing kinds of things, they are quicker to do than knit! Here's my latest dishcloth...
getting a little more fancy with my stitches!
I found a cute pattern for a mug wrapped in a cozy with slots for pencils and pens and stuff. I think I'm going to make up a few of those for the craft's the pattern...If anybody has any thoughts on whether that's a great item that might interest people, let me know.  The mug comes with the cozy! I base most of my crafting decisions on if I personally like it and think I'd buy it, then somebody else might like it as well! I like to try and find practical things, too...

Then I found some patterns that might be great for RVers, which is what this rally is going to be all about....I thought organizers would be a great thing to have. I know we are always looking for ways to maximize space in our motorhome. Would love to have some feedback from anybody who stumbles across this blog or who reads it now and then...These organizers fit over the backs of the captain's chairs or hang from a hook somewhere.....
Then there is always the checkbook cover....I think I'll make up a few of those in cute prints....

I'll refrain from saying until next week, as it looks like I'm going to be a little remiss in getting something on here every week! So I'll just say, until next time....... Jeannie and Lyle

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